lunedì 6 marzo 2017

Fat shamers bullies haters roosh v

I was watching Dr.Oz,his guest was a fat shamer, one dement who shames people for being fat, and he says that men hate women over 70 kg. He mistreated women of all ages height colour and religion, his hate is so big that not even his ego can compete. This man , I pray, will never have children, what would happens if he haves a chubby baby? Will he kill him? Starve him? On the internet his name is roosh v.
How many are under the influence of his words? How many cry because of his followers taking pictures of them on the streets and being called fat pig? 
Roosh V. You can have the body you want and still you will be shamed for having no brain, no humanity. More or less, you are an asshole.

domenica 5 marzo 2017

Domenica mattina e decluttering

La domenica mattina ha il profumo del bucato steso e della primavera in arrivo.
Decido di buttare via cose, per fare spazio alle emozioni,
Svuotare cassetti e armadi per far spazio ai sogni, per dargli modo di uscire,
I cassetti non devono contenerli.
Svuoto scatoloni e riempio cassonetti,
Svuoto la mente e riempio il cuore.

La domenica mattina è solo mia, la casa silenziosa,
La famiglia dorme ed io a piccoli passi ho buttato cose per fare altro posto ai loro sorrisi e alle loro parole, ho svuotato tutto tranne il cuore
Ho riorganizzato tutto... Anche i pensieri..

mercoledì 13 maggio 2015

Spiritualità , costi e varie

la mia spiritualità ,argomento serio ,
in questi giorni ci stiamo preparando per la prima comunione di mio figlio, ma io da un pò di tempo mi faccio delle domande, ho qualche dubbio.
Non nella Fede, non ho dubbi la, io credo davvero, ma le costruzioni intorno alla fede mi lasciano un pò perplessa .
Dio è uno, uno per tutti , e non ha nemmeno bisogno di cambiarsi d'abito, né nome, la sua essenza viene manipolata in diversi modi, e non dico che siano modi sbagliati, ognuno vede quello che lo fa stare meglio, ma... ma...
I dogmi che ci vengono insegnati nel corso della nostra vita (da cattolici ma non solo) ci mostrano un Dio iracondo e vendicativo, io non lo vedo così, lo sento amorevole e non lo incolpo delle disavventure della mia vita, perché sono io che cammino sulla mia strada, vinco le mie battaglie e commetto i miei errori.
La mia gratitudine è sempre con me, sono grata all'essenza universale che illumina le nostre anime a dispetto del suo nome o dei suoi profeti.
Certo, non è il momento migliore per mettere in dubbio la gestione da parte dei pezzi grossi del proprio credo, la prima comunione è un passo importante ... tante cose da fare, ritiri spirituali e altro ancora, e offerte, in denaro ovviamente, perché come possiamo prendere il corpo di Cristo se non abbiamo pagato?
Da quando la Fede ha un costo? come la monetizziamo? un tot a preghiera? un tot a pensiero? e il listino prezzi tiene conto della devozione e dell'amore?

la fede un tot a chilo non è la mia Fede,
la mia anima ha un valore intangibile, come il mio credo.

Ti amo
mi dispiace
ti prego perdonami


Spirituality, costs and things

my spirituality, serious subject,
these days we are preparing for the first communion of my son, but since a while I have questions, I have some doubts.
Not in the Faith, I have no doubt there, I really believe, but the buildings around the faith leave me a bit puzzled.
God is one, one for all, and has no need to change clothes, neither name, its essence is manipulated in different ways, and I'm not saying they are wrong ways, everyone sees what makes them feel better, but. .. but ...
The dogmas that are taught us in the course of our lives (by Catholics but not only) reveal an angry, vengeful God, I do not see Him, Her like that, I feel love and do not blame the misfortunes of my life, because it's me walking my road in my way, I win my battles and I make my mistakes.
My gratitude is always with me, I am grateful to this universal essence that illuminates our souls in spite of its name or its prophets.
Of course, it is not the best time to question the management by the top brass of the belief, first communion is an important step ... so many things to do, religious retreats and more, and offers, in cash of course, because how can we take the body of Christ if we did not pay?
Since when the Faith has a cost? how do we monetize it? a tot each prayer? a tot each thought? and the price list takes notice of the devotion and love?

faith a tot per kilo is not my faith,
my soul has an intangible value, as my belief.

I love you
I'm sorry
please forgive me

lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Monday happiness, be happy all around the world

Mothers day and fellings (thankyou Ikeda)

Mothers day has been wonderful for me, 
I spent the day with my lifetime love and my fantastic son. The brought me flowers and smiles. 

They made my lunch and let me relax and have fun all day long. I love the two men of my life, and i am so grateful for having them by my side. 
We went walking (it was a sunny day) and talked and laughed, I could feel all their love in each touch and word. 
I have no money or jewelry but I do have jewels, they sparkle like mid day sun in my heart. 
I am blessed, by all the Gods human beings know, blessed by Mother nature and the universe and this is all the richness I need. 

Be happy

The strength of a mother is the strength of the earth.

As the earth nourishes plants and trees, it makes flowers bloom and ripen the fruits, a mother is the soil from which sprout education and creativity.

When she sets in motion her energy, everything changes.

It is the mother who transforms the family and the community.

It is the mother that transforms society and the era in which we live.

It is the mother that turns our world into a world of peace.

D. Ikeda 

venerdì 8 maggio 2015

Be grateful , heal the world

This morning, reading the news papers I was impressed, only 15 days have passed since Nepal was destroyed by the earthquake and nobody writes about it anymore. Seems that journalists have forgotten about the thousands dead in seconds. 
The worst side of the story is that I read always about this or that "star" losing weight, yesterday she was xx kg, today she's x kg, tomorrow etc. , so sad. 
If journalists suppose that humanity want's only to know about skinny of fat people, or which smartphone is the best, if they think that our only interest is which bikini will be the summer hit than we are lost. I know that it's not right to read talk think only about the sad side of the world but our consciousness should awake ... We all can start making this world a better place only by caring for those less fortunate than us. We can make a change by being grateful for what we have, by helping the person next door, one act of kindness a time can change the world. 

Be grateful
Be thankful
Be happy 
